"I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love." -Henry War Beecher.
I've had a crazy couple months. There has been alot of stress, sadness, confusion, and well, alot of things have happened. Throughout this rough patch in my life, I made the big mistake of not leaning on God. I continued to listen to Satan's decieving lies, and ended up digging myself a hole, that I never thought I'd be able to get out of. I had never been so worried for myself and especially for my relationship with Jesus.
Once we started Spring semester, I was dreading life. I just wanted school, Intervarsity, work, and responsibilities to be over. I had a terrible attitude towards life and it seemed to affect those around me. Thankfully, I've had a good close-knit group of friends who have continued to encourage me and pray for me. Slowly but surely, I saw myself climbing out of this hole I dug myself.
The Bible is amazing, although, I wish I'd pick it up more. The word of God never seizes to amaze me. You can just open to a random page and God will tell you something. Well, I tried this at the beginning of the month, and what happened? It was like a Jesus-slap. I randomly opened my Bible to Isaiah, and it talked about selfishness. It then occured to me how selfish I was being. I had no legitimate reason to put God in the closet, have a bad attitude, and stop loving. I only did it because I was being selfish. The pastors at my church are doing a series on Jonah. I relate to Jonah SO much. Like him, I ran away from what God was calling me to do, and it got to the point where God had to send a huge wake-up call. (Thankfully, I didn't get swallowed by a fish..) But that's all I had to do, was to WAKE UP!
Now that I have woken up , God has been doing some incredible things in just the past couple of weeks. I've missed this feeling. Things in my life are definitely not perfect, but at least I am filled with Joy again, that comes from Christ of course. It's been on my heart lately that we as Christians are in an intense comfort zone. But we are called to reach out, break out of our comfort zone, and fight the battle. I forgot about my old friends that I stopped seeing, simply because of religious differences, or the things they took part in. I need to be with them, loving them, listening to them, and being their friend. So that is what I've been doing. I've been catching up with old friends, telling my faith stories, and letting God work through them, and it has been INCREDIBLE.
If you're reading this, I want to remind you to think about what God has called you to do, and to do it. Don't run away like Jonah and I did. Be obedient, live out your faith, and you will never be happier. I can promise you that.
On another note... here are some things that I have been up to since I last updated this thing...
1. I went to sign up for my marathon, AND it's full. Wa-wa-wa, I'm still going to run. I'm done being upset about it. haha.
2. I'm taking 5 classes this semester and it's kicking my beeee-hind!!!!
3. Megan and I's Monday night Bible studies have been AMAZING so far, and I can't wait to see how this semester goes.
4. I'm 90% positive that I'm transferring to University of Idaho this fall.
5. I am ready for the snow to melt to I can go BACKPACKING.
6. Kathryn is still alive and well, but getting old- reeeeal fast.
7. I'm still nannying,,,, kill me?