Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Caffeinated Update

I am currently sitting at Grounds For Coffee finishing up my second mug of coffee. I don't have to work this week which means I have a lot of free time. It's the last week of school, which is exciting, but very stressful. I have some final papers due this week... Have I started? No. So here I am blogging.
Today is such a beautiful day. After a week of Mother Nature being on  her period, the sun is finally out and I'm soaking it in like never before. It's finally time to get off the indoor track and start running outside. Running has been going well! I ran 8 miles last week, then 5, then 8 again, then 6, and yesterday I ran 5. I'm putting cross-country runners to shame! (But not really. My pace is a joke.) On Saturday, June 12th, I'll be running the Sawtooth Relay which runs from Stanley, Idaho to Ketchum. It's about 62 miles of beautiful mountains, rivers, and trees. I've got my team of 6 ladies all registered and I'm so EXCITED! Each of us have to run about 11 miles each, and at the very end of the race, Sun Valley is throwing a party. (Knowing Sun Valley and their $$$$, it's bound to be legit.)

But anyway, I'm pretty pumped for this race. It's going to be Jana, Tara, Anna, Rachel, Kayleigh, and me running the race! Oh, and Danny Frastachhh is our volunteer. Haha, basically it's going to be the best day ever!

On another note, my life plans have changed. I was originally going to transfer to a different school. I ended up going to Portland for Spring break, and basically fell in love with the state of Oregon. (Except for their traffic tickets...) And I know people usually fall in love with their vacation spots, but I seriously would love to live in the Portland area; it's my kind of place. I pictured myself working there one day and raising a family and it seemed to right. Who knows, maybe I'm kidding myself, but it's now my goal. I'm going to probably stick around Ogden for the next two years and then get the heck out of here. Hopefully I'll be able to move out of the house this fall though, so if you know anyone looking for a roommate this fall, let me know.

Look out Portland, I'm a comin'