So let's get down to business... Here are a few stories. Get ready.
Story Numero Uno:
I have a great friend named Josh who I met working at camp a few summers ago, and he has become one of my bestest friends. I also became friends with his roomate, Keegan, who likes to grow creepy moustaches and then shave them off. Anywho... These two boys from Nebraska, along with a guy named Ricky decided to take a roadtrip up to Portland, Oregan for cross-country nationals. Since Ogden was on their way, they just HAD to stop in Ogden for a day of fun with Blaire. I couldn't wait to see them! Well, on that Thursday afternoon, they were about 100 miles out of Ogden, and got in a CRAZY car accident. They rolled their car 3 times and landed upside down. Now, normally, people DIE in such circumstances... But no, these three creepers crawled out the broken windshield and walked off the scene... who DOES THAT? I mean, for real. It was a miricle.
So I drove 2 1/2 hours to Rock Springs, Wyoming to pick them up from the hospital. And might I mention, I clipped the back of a deer on the way. What a turd-deer. Freaked me OUT! Anyway, I arrived at the hospital, got to see my friends, and was so glad to see that they were okay. Just some bloody spots here and there...
On our way back to Ogden, we stopped at the junk yard to get their stuff out of Josh's poor Jetta. If you saw this thing, you would cry. It was a sad sight to behold. Looking at it made you think, "wow, somebody probably died in that thing..." But no, they're okay.
Just another way to prove God is Good. I definitely learned that you never know when accidents like that can happen. Praise God they're okay!
Story Numero Dos:
So Rachel and I have this thing, where we sing songs with a very deep manly voice, and by deep, I mean DEEEEEP. So we made some videos to show our friends. I can't decide if I'm embarassed or not. (I guess you'll have to click on this link... since I can't upload it.... ENJOY!)
Story Numero Tres:
Every year, since I was 4, I go and see the Nutcracker Ballet with my grandma and grandpa, and sometimes other family members will join us. Well this year was a little different. First of all, I didn't like going without Grandpa. It's weird not having him here anymore. It's almost like I still can't believe it. But thankfully, we still managed to have a good time despite our loss. Grandma was in high spirits, and my mom, Uncle Stan, and Pete (my mom's bf) came along. Boy was it a show! It was the best one I've seen thus far. (Out of ALL 16 years....) There was this Asian girl who did the dance of the sugarplum fairy, and it was spectacular. I'm not trying to sounc all dance-nerdish... but I'll tell you what, she was INCREDBLE! I went home walking on my tippie-toes trying to be as graceful as possible- FAIL.

Here's a picture from last year. I miss my grandpa!
Story Numer Quatro:
(Don't get bored yet, I need to fill you IN!)
So I've been thinking alot lately. What am I going to do with my life?
Everybody thinks this. But I've been, in a way, freaking out about it. It's hard to be motivated in school when I don't know what I'm working towards. I need to have a goal, something to aim for.
For a while, I've been wanting to be a back-packing guide. Basically make my income by being "granola" and taking people up mountains, sweet right!?
And I've also thought about teaching. The pay is iffy, but I'd enjoy it alot.
Never in a million years would I picture myself in the medical feild. First of all, money doesn't worry me. So when I hear, "Blaire, doctors make bank!"... I could care less. Second of all, blood really freaks me out. Third of all, the thought of nursing school sounds intimidating and somewhat scary.
But lately I've been thinking. I want a career that involves helping people. A career in which I can make a difference. Something with benefits, multiple opportunities, and.... (drumrole please)... Scrubs.
Yep, I'm going to go into nursing.
Lord save me.
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