I "accidentally" slept through my first class this morning. What a shame. So I decided to go for a run around the hood. It was so cold, I only ran about a mile and a half. Brrrrrrrr.
Marathon training has been interesting. I can definitely see a difference in my speed as well as my endurance. But the more I run, the more I want to eat when I get home. I'm talking cake, candy, icecream.... mmmmmmm. Good idea? Probably not.
I'm pumped for the Ogden marathon. It makes me more excited about running and keeps me motivated. I guess you can say I'm "hooked on running." There's nothing better than a runner's high.... besides Jesus.
Anyhow... I've been remembering alot of memories from high school lately. I miss the good ol days when I didn't have to be so responsible, when getting straight A's was a piece of cake, and when teachers hated me as a student but loved me as a person ;)
Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

The day I fro'd my hair out. Uh oh.

Deer Hunt 2007

Prom Royalty!

Well.... off to bed. I have an early morning ahead of me.
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